Cringoli G, Rinaldi L, Albonico M, Bergquist R, Utzinger J. Geospatial (s)tools: integration of advanced epidemiological sampling and novel diagnostics. Geospat Health, 7(2): 399-404, 2013.
Cringoli G, Maurelli MP, Levecke B, Bosco A, Vercruysse J, Utzinger J, Rinaldi L. The Mini-FLOTAC technique for the diagnosis of helminth and protozoan infections in humans and animals.Nat Protoc, 12(9):1723-1732, 2017.
Cringoli G, Amadesi A, Maurelli MP, Celano B, Piantadosi G, Bosco A, Ciuca L, Cesarelli M, Bifulco P, Montresor A, Rinaldi L. The Kubic FLOTAC microscope (KFM): a new compact digital microscope for helminth egg counts. Parasitology 148(4), 427-434, 2021.
Ambito Veterinario
Silva LMR, Vila-Vicosa MJM, Maurelli MP, Morgoglione ME, Cortes HCE, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L. Mini-FLOTAC for the diagnosis of Eimeria infection in goats: an alternative to McMaster. Small Ruminant Res, 114: 280-283, 2013.
Rinaldi L, Levecke B, Bosco A, Ianniello D, Pepe P, Charlier J, Cringoli G, Vercruysse J. Comparison of individual and pooled faecal samples in sheep for the assessment of gastrointestinal strongyle infection intensity and anthelmintic drug efficacy using McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC. Vet Parasitol, 205(1-2):216-23, 2014.
Maurelli MP, Rinaldi L, Alfano S, Pepe P, Coles GC, Cringoli G. Mini-FLOTAC, a new tool for copromicroscopic diagnosis of common intestinal nematodes in dogs. Parasit Vectors, 7(1):356, 2014.
Maurelli MP, RinaldiL, Rubino G, Lia R, Musella V, CringoliG. FLOTAC and Mini-FLOTAC for uro-microscopic diagnosis of Capillaria plica (syn. Pearsonema plica) in dogs. BMC Res Notes., 7(1):591, 2014.
Djokic V, Blaga R, Rinaldi L, Le Roux D, Ducry T, Maurelli MP, Perret C, Djurkovic Djakovic O,Cringoli G, Boireau P. Mini-FLOTAC for counting Toxoplasma gondii oocysts from cat feces - Comparison with cell counting plates. Exp Parasitol., 147C:67-71, 2014.
Godber OF, Phythian CJ, Bosco A, Ianniello D, Coles G, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G. A comparison of the FECPAK and Mini-FLOTAC faecal egg counting techniques. Vet Parasitol., 207(3-4):342-5, 2014.
Lima VF, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L, Monteiro MF, Calado AM, Ramos RA, Meira-Santos PO, Alves LC. A comparison of mini-FLOTAC and FLOTAC with classic methods to diagnosing intestinal parasites of dogs from Brazil. Parasitol Res., 114(9):3529-33, 2015.
Borrelli L, Dipineto L, Rinaldi L, Romano V, Noviello E, Menna LF, Cringoli G, Fioretti A. New Diagnostic Insights for Macrorhabdus ornithogasterJ Clin Microbiol., 53(11):3448-50, 2015.
Donoghue EM, Lyons ET, Bellaw JL, Nielsen MK. Biphasic appearance of corticated and decorticated ascarid egg shedding in untreated horse foals. Vet Parasitol., 214(1-2):114-7, 2015.
Malrait K, Verschave S, Skuce P, Van Loo H, Vercruysse J, Charlier J. Novel insights into the pathogenic importance, diagnosis and treatment of the rumen fluke (Calicophoron daubneyi) in cattle. Vet Parasitol, 207(1-2):134-9, 2015.
Kenyon F, Rinaldi L, McBean D, Pepe P, Bosco A, Melville L, Devin L, Mitchell G, Ianniello D, Charlier J, Vercruysse J, Cringoli G, Levecke B.Pooling sheep faecal samples for the assessment of anthelmintic drug efficacy using McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC in gastrointestinal strongyle and NematodirusVet Parasitol, 225:53-60, 2016.
Ramos RA, Lima VF, Monteiro MF, Santana Mde A, Lepold R, Faustino MA, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Alves LC.New insights into diagnosis of Platynosomum fastosum (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) in cats. Parasitol Res, 115(2):479-82, 2016.
Scare JA, Slusarewicz P, Noel ML, Wielgus KM, Nielsen MK. Evaluation of accuracy and precision of a smartphone based automated parasite egg counting system in comparison to the McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC Vet Parasitol, 247:85-92, 2017.
Miller FL, Bellaw JL, Lyons ET, Nielsen MK. Strongyloides westeri worm and egg counts in naturally infected young horses. Vet Parasitol, 248:1-3, 2017.
Bortoluzzi C, Paras KL, Applegate TJ, Verocai GG. Comparison between McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC methods for the enumeration of Eimeria maxima oocysts in poultry excreta. Vet Parasitol, 254:21-25, 2018.
Paras KL, George MM, Vidyashankar AN, Kaplan RM. Comparison of fecal egg counting methods in four livestock species. Vet Parasitol, 257:21-27, 2018.
Went HA, Scare JA, Steuer AE, Nielsen MK. Effects of homogenizing methods on accuracy and precision of equine strongylid egg counts. Vet Parasitol, 261:91-95, 2018.
Bosco A, Maurelli MP, Ianniello D, Morgoglione ME, Amadesi A, Coles GC, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L. The recovery of added nematode eggs from horse and sheep faeces by three methods. BMC Vet Res, 14(1):7, 2018.
Carrera-Játiva PD, Morgan ER, Barrows M, Wronski T. Gastrointestinal parasites in captive and free-ranging birds and potential cross-transmission in a zoo environment. J Zoo Wildl Med, 49(1):116-128, 2018.
Capasso M, Maurelli MP, Ianniello D, Alves LC, Amadesi A, Laricchiuta P, Silvestre P, Campolo M, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L. Use of Mini-FLOTAC and Fill-FLOTAC for rapidly diagnosing parasitic infections in zoo mammals. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet, 28(1):168-171, 2019.
Nápravníková J, Petrtýl M, Stupka R, Vadlejch J. Reliability of three common fecal egg counting techniques for detecting strongylid and ascarid infections in horses. Vet Parasitol., 272:53-57, 2019.
Catalano S, Symeou A, Marsh KJ, Borlase A, Léger E, Fall CB, Sène M, Diouf ND, Ianniello D, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L, Bâ K, Webster JP. Mini-FLOTAC as an alternative, non-invasive diagnostic tool for Schistosoma mansoni and other trematode infections in wildlife reservoirs. Parasit Vectors,, 12(1):439, 2019.
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Rinaldi L, Amadesi A, Dufourd E, Bosco A, Gadanho M, Lehebel A, Maurelli MP, Chauvin A, Charlier J, Cringoli G, Ravinet N, Chartier C. Rapid assessment of faecal egg count and faecal egg count reduction through composite sampling in cattle. Parasit Vectors, 12(1):353, 2019.
Nápravníková J, Petrtýl M, Stupka R, Vadlejch J. Reliability of three common fecal egg counting techniques for detecting strongylid and ascarid infections in horses. Vet Parasitol., 272:53-57, 2019.
Catalano S, Symeou A, Marsh KJ, Borlase A, Léger E, Fall CB, Sène M, Diouf ND, Ianniello D, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L, Bâ K, Webster JP. Mini-FLOTAC as an alternative, non-invasive diagnostic tool for Schistosoma mansoni and other trematode infections in wildlife reservoirs. Parasit Vectors, 12 (1):439, 2019.
Ianniello D, Pepe P, Alves LC, Ciuca L, Maurelli MP, Amadesi A, Bosco A, Musella V, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L. Why Use the Mini-FLOTAC to Detect Metastrongyloid Larvae in Dogs and Cats? Acta Parasitol., 65(2):546-549, 2020.
Coppola F, Maestrini M, Berrilli F, Procesi IG, Felicioli A, Perrucci S. First report of Giardia duodenalis infection in the crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata L., 1758). Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl., 11:108-113, 2020.
Amadesi A, Bosco A, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Claerebout E, Maurelli MP. Cattle gastrointestinal nematode egg-spiked faecal samples: high recovery rates using the Mini-FLOTAC technique. Parasit Vectors, 13(1):230, 2020.
Daş G, Klauser S, Stehr M, Tuchscherer A, Metges CC. Accuracy and precision of McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC egg counting techniques using egg-spiked faeces of chickens and two different flotation fluids. Vet Parasitol., 283:109158, 2020.
Elghryani N, Crispell J, Ebrahimi R, Krivoruchko M, Lobaskin V, McOwan T, O'Connor W, Power E, Voisin B, Scholz D, de Waal T. Preliminary evaluation of a novel, fully automated, Telenostic device for rapid field-diagnosis of cattle parasites. Parasitology,1-5, 2020.
Cardoso B, Pessoa B, Figueiredo P, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Díaz A, Gomes L, Santos N, de Carvalho LM. Comparative survey of gastrointestinal parasites in sympatric Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and domestic goats using molecular host specific identification. Parasitol Res. 120(6):2291-2296, 2021.
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Cruvinel LB, Ferreira LL, Nicaretta JE, Couto LFM, Zapa DMB, de Assis Cavalcante AS, Heller LM, de Melo Junior RD, de Aquino Gontijo LM, Suzuki K, Soares VE, Lopes WDZ. Eimeria spp. in naturally infected beef cattle: Dynamics of oocysts excretion, prevalence, and comparison between parasitological diagnostics. Prev Vet Med., 194:105447, 2021.
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Lozano J, Almeida C, Victório AC, Melo P, Rodrigues JP, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Gomes L, Oliveira M, Paz-Silva A, Madeira de Carvalho L. Implementation of Mini-FLOTAC in Routine Diagnosis of Coccidia and Helminth Infections in Domestic and Exotic Birds. Vet Sci., 8(8):160, 2021.
Bosco A, Nocerino M, Santaniello M, Maurelli MP, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L. Mapping the Spatial Distribution of the Rumen Fluke Calicophoron daubneyi in a Mediterranean Area. Pathogens. 10(9):1122, 2021.
Shifaw A, Feyera T, Elliott T, Sharpe B, Walkden-Brown SW, Ruhnke I. Comparison of the Modified McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC methods for the enumeration of nematode eggs in egg spiked and naturally infected chicken excreta. Vet Parasitol. 2021 Nov; 299:109582.
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Bosco A, Ciuca L, Maurelli MP, Vitiello P, Cringoli G, Prada JM, Rinaldi L. Comparison of Mini-FLOTAC, Flukefinder and sedimentation techniques for detection and quantification of Fasciola hepatica and Calicophoron daubneyi eggs using spiked and naturally infected bovine faecal samples. Parasit Vectors. 2023 Aug 2;16(1):260. doi: 10.1186/s13071-023-05890-2.
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Ambito umano
Barda B, Rinaldi L, Ianniello D, Zepherine H, Salvo F, Sadutshang T, Cringoli G, Clementi M, Albonico M. Mini-FLOTAC, an innovative direct diagnostic technique for intestinal parasitic infections: experience from the field. PLOS Negl Trop Dis, 7, 8: e2344, 2013.
Barda B, Zepherine H, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Burioni R, Clementi M, Albonico M, 2013. Mini-FLOTAC and Kato-Katz: helminth eggs watching on the shore of lake Victoria. Parasites & Vectors, 6: 220, 2013.
Barda B, Ianniello D, Zepheryne H, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Burioni R, Albonico M. Parasitic infections on the shore of Lake Victoria (East Africa) detected by Mini-FLOTAC and standard techniques. Acta Trop, 137:140-6, 2014.
Barda B, Cajal P, Villagran E, Cimino R, Juarez M, Krolewiecki A, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Burioni R, Albonico M. Mini-FLOTAC, Kato-Katz and McMaster: three methods, one goal; highlights from north Argentina. Parasit Vectors, 7(1):271, 2014.
Assefa LM, Crellen T, Kepha S, Kihara JH, Njenga SM, Pullan RL, Brooker SJ. Diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of alternative methods for detection of soil-transmitted helminths in a post-treatment setting in western Kenya. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 8(5):e2843,
Nikolay B, Brooker SJ, Pullan RL. Sensitivity of diagnostic tests for human soil-transmitted helminth infections: a meta-analysis in the absence of a true gold standard. Int J Parasitol, 44(11):765-74, 2014.
Barda B, Albonico M, Ianniello D, Ame SM, Keiser J, Speich B, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Burioni R, Montresor A, Utzinger J. How Long Can Stool Samples Be Fixed for an Accurate Diagnosis of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infection Using Mini-FLOTAC? PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 9(4):e0003698, 2015.
Benjamin-Chung J, Nazneen A, Halder AK, Haque R, Siddique A, Uddin MS, Koporc K, Arnold BF, Hubbard AE, Unicomb L, Luby SP, Addiss DG, Colford JM Jr. The Interaction of Deworming, Improved Sanitation, and Household Flooring with Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infection in Rural Bangladesh. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 9(12):e0004256, 2015.
Ng'etich AI, Rawago FO, Jura WG, Mwinzi PN, Won KY, Odiere MR. A cross-sectional study on schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths in Mbita district, western Kenya using different copromicroscopic techniques. Parasit Vectors, 9:87, 2016.
Coulibaly JT, Ouattara M, Becker SL, Lo NC, Keiser J, N'Goran EK, Ianniello D, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Utzinger J. Comparison of sensitivity and faecal egg counts of Mini-FLOTAC using fixed stool samples and Kato-Katz technique for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni and soil-transmitted helminths. Acta Trop, 164:107-116, 2016.
Smith JL, Sturrock HJ, Assefa L, Nikolay B, Njenga SM, Kihara J, Mwandawiro CS, Brooker SJ. Factors associated with the performance and cost-effectiveness of using lymphatic filariasis transmission assessment surveys for monitoring soil-transmitted helminths: a case study in Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 92(2):342-53.
Krücken J, Fraundorfer K, Mugisha JC, Ramünke S, Sifft KC, Geus D, Habarugira F, Ndoli J, Sendegeya A, Mukampunga C, Bayingana C, Aebischer T, Demeler J, Gahutu JB, Mockenhaupt FP, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G.Reduced efficacy of albendazole against Ascaris lumbricoides in Rwandan schoolchildren. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist, 7(3):262-271, 2017.
Hussein AH, Rashed SM, El-Hayawan IA, Aly NSM, Abou Ouf EA, Ali AT. Intestinal Parasite Infections and Accuracy of Direct Thin and Thick Smear, Formol-Ether Sedimentation, Centrifugal Flotation, and Mini-FLOTAC Techniques Among Patients with Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders from the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 96(3):589-594, 2017.
Vlaminck J, Cools P, Albonico M, Ame S, Ayana M, Bethony J, Cringoli G, Dana D, Keiser J, Maurelli MP, Montresor A, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Corrêa-Oliveira R, Prichard R, Rashwan N, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Thomas E, Verweij JJ, Vercruysse J, Levecke B. Comprehensive evaluation of stool-based diagnostic methods and benzimidazole resistance markers to assess drug efficacy and detect the emergence of anthelmintic resistance: A Starworms study protocol. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 12(11):e0006912, 2018.
Zárate-Rendón DA, Vlaminck J, Levecke B, Briones-Montero A, Geldhof P. Comparison of Kato-Katz Thick Smear, Mini-FLOTAC, and Flukefinder for the Detection and Quantification of Fasciola hepatica Eggs in Artificially Spiked Human Stool. Am J Trop Med Hyg., 101(1):59-61, 2019.
Vlaminck J, Cools P, Albonico M, Ame S, Ayana M, Cringoli G, Dana D, Keiser J, Maurelli MP, Matoso LF, Montresor A, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Corrêa-Oliveira R, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Thomas E, Vercruysse J, Verweij JJ, Levecke B. Therapeutic efficacy of albendazole against soil-transmitted helminthiasis in children measured by five diagnostic methods. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 13(8):e0007471, 2019.
Cools P, Vlaminck J, Albonico M, Ame S, Ayana M, José Antonio BP, Cringoli G, Dana D, Keiser J, Maurelli MP, Maya C, Matoso LF, Montresor A, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Corrêa-Oliveira R, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Thomas E, Verweij JJ, Vercruysse J, Levecke B. Diagnostic performance of a single and duplicate Kato-Katz, Mini-FLOTAC, FECPAKG2 and qPCR for the detection and quantification of soil-transmitted helminths in three endemic countries. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 13(8):e0007446, 2019.
Dukpa T, Dorji N, Thinley S, Wangchuk, Tshering K, Gyem K, Wangmo D, Sherpa PL, Dorji T, Montresor A. Soil-Transmitted Helminth infections reduction in Bhutan: A report of 29 years of deworming. PLoS One, 15(1):e0227273, 2020.
Dana D, Vlaminck J, Mekonnen Z, Ayana M, Vogt F, Verdonck K, Tweya H, Timire C, Geldhof P, Levecke B. Diagnostic sensitivity of direct wet mount microscopy for soil-transmitted helminth infections in Jimma Town, Ethiopia. J Infect Dev Ctries, 14(6.1):66S-71S, 2020.
Levecke B, Cools P, Albonico M, Ame S, Angebault C, Ayana M, Behnke JM, Bethony JM, Cringoli G, Dana D, Guillard B, Viet Hoa NT, Kang G, Kattula D, Keiser J, Kotze AC, Matoso LF, Maurelli MP, McCarthy JS, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Montresor A, Oliveira RC, Periago MV, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Sumo L, Tchuem-Tchuenté LA, Cam Thach DT, Thomas E, Zeynudin A, Verweij JJ, Vlaminck J, Vercruysse J. Identifying thresholds to classify moderate-to-heavy soil-transmitted helminth intensity infections for FECPAKG2, McMaster, Mini-FLOTAC and qPCR. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 14(7):e0008296, 2020.
Zárate-Rendón DA, Vlaminck J, Levecke B, Briones-Montero A, Geldhof P. Comparison of Kato-Katz Thick Smear, Mini-FLOTAC, and Flukefinder for the Detection and Quantification of Fasciola hepatica Eggs in Artificially Spiked Human Stool. Am J Trop Med Hyg., 101(1):59-61, 2019.
Vlaminck J, Cools P, Albonico M, Ame S, Ayana M, Cringoli G, Dana D, Keiser J, Maurelli MP, Matoso LF, Montresor A, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Corrêa-Oliveira R, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Thomas E, Vercruysse J, Verweij JJ, Levecke B. Therapeutic efficacy of albendazole against soil-transmitted helminthiasis in children measured by five diagnostic methods. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 13(8):e0007471, 2019.
Cools P, Vlaminck J, Albonico M, Ame S, Ayana M, José Antonio BP, Cringoli G, Dana D, Keiser J, Maurelli MP, Maya C, Matoso LF, Montresor A, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Corrêa-Oliveira R, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Thomas E, Verweij JJ, Vercruysse J, Levecke B. Diagnostic performance of a single and duplicate Kato-Katz, Mini-FLOTAC, FECPAKG2 and qPCR for the detection and quantification of soil-transmitted helminths in three endemic countries. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 13(8):e0007446, 2019.
Sarirah M, Wijayanti MA, Murhandarwati EEH. Comparison of Mini-FLOTAC and Kato-Katz methods for detecting soil-transmitted helminth eggs in 10% formalin preserved stools stored >=12 months. Trop Biomed., 36(3):677-686, 2019.
Dukpa T, Dorji N, Thinley S, Wangchuk, Tshering K, Gyem K, Wangmo D, Sherpa PL, Dorji T, Montresor A. Soil-Transmitted Helminth infections reduction in Bhutan: A report of 29 years of deworming. PLoS One, 15(1):e0227273, 2020.
Elghryani N, Crispell J, Ebrahimi R, Krivoruchko M, Lobaskin V, McOwan T, O'Connor W, Power E, Voisin B, Scholz D, de Waal T. Preliminary evaluation of a novel, fully automated, Telenostic device for rapid field-diagnosis of cattle parasites. Parasitology. 147(11):1249-1253, 2020.
Dana D, Vlaminck J, Mekonnen Z, Ayana M, Vogt F, Verdonck K, Tweya H, Timire C, Geldhof P, Levecke B. Diagnostic sensitivity of direct wet mount microscopy for soil-transmitted helminth infections in Jimma Town, Ethiopia. J Infect Dev Ctries., 14(6.1):66S-71S, 2020.
Levecke B, Cools P, Albonico M, Ame S, Angebault C, Ayana M, Behnke JM, Bethony JM, Cringoli G, Dana D, Guillard B, Viet Hoa NT, Kang G, Kattula D, Keiser J, Kotze AC, Matoso LF, Maurelli MP, McCarthy JS, Mekonnen Z, Mirams G, Montresor A, Oliveira RC, Periago MV, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Sumo L, Tchuem-Tchuenté LA, Cam Thach DT, Thomas E, Zeynudin A, Verweij JJ, Vlaminck J, Vercruysse J. Identifying thresholds for classifying moderate-to-heavy soil-transmitted helminth intensity infections for FECPAKG2, McMaster, Mini-FLOTAC and qPCR. PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 14(7):e0008296, 2020.
Maurelli MP, Alves LC, Aggarwal CS, Cociancic P, Levecke B, Cools P, Montresor A, Ianniello D, Gualdieri L, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L. Ascaris lumbricoides eggs or artefacts? A diagnostic conundrum. Parasitology, 12:1-6, 2021.
Omar M, Abdelal HO. Current status of intestinal parasitosis among patients attending teaching hospitals in Zagazig district, Northeastern Egypt. Parasitol Res. 2022 Jun;121(6):1651-1662.
Coffeng LE, Vlaminck J, Cools P, Denwood M, Albonico M, Ame SM, Ayana M, Dana D, Cringoli G, de Vlas SJ, Fenwick A, French M, Kazienga A, Keiser J, Knopp S, Leta G, Matoso LF, Maurelli MP, Montresor A, Mirams G, Mekonnen Z, Corrêa-Oliveira R, Pinto SA, Rinaldi L, Sayasone S, Steinmann P, Thomas E, Vercruysse J, Levecke B. A general framework to support cost-efficient fecal egg count methods and study design choices for large-scale STH deworming programs-monitoring of therapeutic drug efficacy as a case study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2023 May 17;17(5):e0011071.